This section describes the WWII Aircraft clocks
sold by Historic Timekeepers, Inc. and the process used to restore
them. This process also applies to ALL aircraft clocks restored in
our facilities.
All timepieces (sold or serviced) are delivered
only after complete disassembly, replacement of damaged parts,
mainsprings checked/replaced/lubricated, all parts lubricated and
adjusted as directed by original instructions (or as by superseding
instructions), all functions checked and the completed movement is test
run for 1 week after the last adjustment.
NOTE: We have the only stock
of brand new stainless mainsprings for the three major WWII clocks:
37500, LeCoultre/Smiths Chronoflite and Waltham CDIA. Parts
are not "patched". They are either replaced or made;
every clock sold by HTI is "as new" with the exception that some
knobs may not be exact replicas. If we encounter a clock that is
simply too costly to refurbish, it is cannibalized for parts that will
replace damaged parts in other clocks. For example, we stock or make
balance staffs for every model aircraft clock. Some
aircraft clocks, like the Jaeger LeCoultre Chronoflite or the Elgin
Hamilton 37500 Elapsed Time contain nearly 500 parts. All
clocks MUST be fully disassembled. Many have been unused in
uncontrolled environments for 20 years or more. All old lubricant
must be removed and all hints of rust must be found and rectified by
either parts replacement or reconditioning. Many of the steps
involved can be found on the pages for Aircraft Clock
Restoration and Repair Services
and on the pages describing the individual models offered for sale.
for Sale. The combination of interests
(passion?), micromachining skills and expertise in precision timing
provides Historic Timekeepers, Inc. with unique opportunities to serve
those whose goals include maintaining vintage military aircraft (and
civil aircraft). Over the years we have made it a priority to buy
stocks (small and large) of parts and clocks from repair facilities that
left the mechanical instrument market. We actually pride ourselves
on being the last of the buggy whip repair shops! For
some clocks we have stocks of parts that have been in military deep
storage for nearly 60 years. Of course these are mostly the
American instruments. For many foreign military clocks like the
Junghans 15 minute elapsed time clocks used in the ME 109 or FW 190, or
the Seikosha chronograph used in the JIN aircraft, we either make needed
parts or have a stock of "donor" movements that we
cannibalize. The factory service
instructions for many of these non US clocks are simply not
available. However, physics knows no nationality. The lubrication and adjustment of
parts for correct function follow industry accepted
practices. We try to stock the following
clocks in ready-to-fly condition. Please contact us for more
information after you review the description of the clock(s) of
interest. We will try to keep these pages current but the weakness
of online catalogs is the time required. If you have a requirement
not addressed, please email or call. By the way, these pages were
updated July 2007. In
our own small way, this is our effort to help you "keep 'em
flying". While not for sale, this
clock may be interesting to examine. 

CLOCKS FOR SALE. Elgin/Hamilton 37500
Jaeger LeCoultre
Waltham CDIA  WWII German clocks Other WWII clocks

A-13 and Mathey Tissot Type 12 Important points.
All Aircraft Clocks are accompanied with a Certificate of Performance
that documents the performance of the timepiece after restoration (the
same COP that is provided for precision watches and navigational
timepieces serviced by HTI).
Unless otherwise noted, carbon steel mainsprings are replaced with new
"unbreakable" stainless steel springs. This serves two
purposes. First, NO timepiece can yield top performance with 60
year old springs. Secondly, the use of 60 year old springs (no
matter when installed) results in extensive damage when they break.
This is especially critical in clocks that use two mainsprings, such as
the Elgin/Hamilton 37500 Elapsed Time Clock; the Waltham CDIA .
All timepieces are warranted for performance for one year.
Timepieces serviced and sold by Historic Timekeepers, Inc are suitable
for use in exempt aircraft and for collectors. It is up to the Chief
Operating Pilot to determine if additional FAA requirements need to be
fulfilled for use in non-exempt aircraft. It is noteworthy that Northrop-Grumman and Flight Safety have used our services for their
simulator instruments and the US Navy has used us for navigational
timepiece service (Ship Chronometers).
This year I several received requests to make
corrections to several aircraft clocks under warranty. I would
have done, except the work was not mine. Apparently there is
someone very active on eBay using a similar sounding business name and a
website that is similar in layout to mine. While I am flattered,
this causes problems for those who use and or collect aircraft
clocks. Every piece I service is recorded in my invoicing system
and is tagged with my service label, as well as the mainspring barrel is
marked in pen with the date and location of where the mainspring was
last serviced. Also, you the customer will have an invoice/receipt
from Historic Timekeepers, Inc.
I cannot be responsible for someone else's work.