HistoricTimekeepers Restoration Services and Supplies

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Custom Parts Manufacture

Wheel cutting setup

This is the work I really enjoy.  It is also the only time I will do a "partial" job.  Although this service is used primarily by other professionals who are not equipped to make the needed parts, it is used by advanced non-professionals as well.

To learn about the tools and equipment I use for making these parts, go to the Tools of the Trade Page.

In addition, the prices listed here are also used to compute the cost of doing any work required by a restoration that is not covered in the "basic charges" described under the Restoration Services page.

  • Repivoting                                 $45 per pivot
  • Make a Balance Staff               $90 to $175
  • Make a Gear                             $100 to $150 
  • Make a Pinion                           $125
  • Fit a Friction Jewel                    $35 per Jewel
  • Make a new Bezel Jewel          $85 per Jewel
  • Fit a new Balance Spring           $185
  • Make a Stem                             $85
  • Make English Detent                $850

These are the typical parts I am called upon to make.  Feel free to  email me at dclark@bcpl.net with your needs.



For shipping  or ordering information, contact:

Dewey Clark                   410.592.9998

Email Contact:         Historictimekeepers@gmail.com

Site Created and Expanded since 1999!!

(Watch my hair go grey)